
Opening Ceremony & Conference on Consumer Technology Developments in the Middle East

Senior officials from both China and UAE, representatives of business associations and well-known enterprises from various Middle East countries will be invited to attend the opening ceremony. Top entrepreneurs in home appliances and consumer electronics industries will deliver keynote speeches, discussing hot topics such as AI empowering the consumer electronics industry. The 2024 White Paper on the Development of the Middle Eastern Consumer Electronics Industry will also be released.

China - Middle East Investment & Financing Business Match Meeting

We will collect those Chinese companies and projects seeking investments from Middle East countries in emerging industries, such as artificial intelligence, new energy, semiconductors, to hold face-to-face meetings and roadshows with sovereign wealth funds, venture capital funds, and investors from Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Qatar, and other countries.

Seminars on the Investment Environment and Crucial Projects of China’s Key Provinces and Cities

We will invite key provinces and cities to hold conferences to promote their investment environment and major project, and organizing enterprises in the Middle East to participate in those conferences.

Seminars / Products Launch Events

We will provide a platform for companies to hold seminars and products launch events.