Middle East Consumer Electronics Show 

The Middle East region plays a pivotal role in connecting Asia, Europe, and Africa, as well as the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. It covers more than 20 countries and regions, with a population of 490 million and is abundant in strategic resources such as oil and gas. Besides, there is a strong demand for consumer technology products such as home appliances and consumer electronics.

MECES, as the first professional show in the home appliances and consumer electronics industries in the Middle East, will attract industry leaders, small and medium-sized enterprises, startups, authoritative institutions, professionals, and innovators. The show will provide an excellent platform for all to explore the future of smart home and cutting-edge technology.

Based in the UAE and facing the Middle East region, the show focus on home appliance and consumer electronics industry, with the goal of professional show of its own brand. The show aims to be well-known, leading, and finally a world-class event in the Middle East region.

Short-term Goal (1-2 years):
To become a professional show for home appliance and electronics industry in the Middle East, with a scale of 10,000 square meters and focusing on leading enterprises, products and services in China, and supplemented by other relevant national enterprises and products.

Medium-term Goal (3-5 years):
To become a leading international show in the Middle East with a scale of 20,000 to 30,000 square meters and moderately increasing segments of industries and fields, attracting more governments and enterprises from various countries to participate in.

Long-term Goal (6-10 years):
To become a world-class consumer technology show with a scale of over 50,000 square meters, attracting more governments and well-known enterprises all over the world to participate in.